暱稱 | aulaul |
問題 | 您好,想請問在西文編目中,MARC 21 008/18-21看到2種表格, |
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答覆內容 | aulaul您好:
依據MARC 21 standards (https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008b.html),008/18-21代碼的著錄,是須與300分欄$b的著錄用語相對應,因此我們將以編目規則的角度,來看對於圖書插圖內容(illustrative content)著錄的相關說明。
依據AACR 2 2.5 C1的規則,當圖書有插圖內容時,則於稽核資訊中著錄「ill.」,另外,僅含文數字內容的表格,不算在插圖內容的描述之列。 【2.5 C1 規則原文】 "Give ill. for an illustrated printed monograph. Tables containing only words and/or numbers are not illustrations. Disregard illustrated title pages and minor illustrations."
另 2.5 C2 中有選用規則,如果圖書的插圖內容,為下列類型,且被認為具有重要性,可於稽核資訊中,著錄下列用語(或縮寫),並依字母順序排列著錄: coats of arms facsimiles forms genealogical tables maps music plans portraits samples 【2.5 C2 規則原文】 "Optionally, if the illustrations are all of one or more of the following types, and are considered to be important, give the appropriate term(s) or abbreviation(s) in alphabetical order: coats of arms, facsimiles, forms, genealogical tables, maps, music, plans, portraits (use for both single and group portraits), samples. If none of these terms adequately describes the illustrations, use another term as appropriate."
而在西文編目實務上,多會遵循美國國會圖書館的LCRI(LC rule interpretation),在LCRI for 2.5 C2中說明:當圖書有插圖內容時,則一律於稽核資訊著錄「ill.」,除非內含地圖,或是當在編圖書情況符合2.5 C5所述。規則2.5 C5說明的是當一書之內容「全為」或「主要為」某一插圖類型時,則於稽核資訊著錄「chiefly ...」或「all ...」,如「chiefly maps」。 【LCRI for 2.5 C2 原文】 "Describe an illustrated printed monograph as 'ill.' in all cases unless there are maps present or AACR2 2.5C5 is applicable ("Disregard illustrated title pages and minor illustrations." )." 【2.5 C5 規則原文】 If the publication consists wholly or predominantly of illustrations, give all ill. or chiefly ill., as appropriate. Optionally, if those illustrations are all of one type, give all [name of type] or chiefly [name of type].
由上述相關條文來看,如以AACR 2為編目規則時,大致會依循LCRI的作法: 1) 除非有地圖,或是書中內容全為或主要為某一類插圖,否則一律著錄「ill.」即可。 2) 文數字的表格(tables)不算在插圖內容之列。 這也許就是您問題中提到為什麼charts和forms似乎在書目中不常被使用的原因。
在採用RDA規則之後,圖書插圖內容的著錄,與AACR 2規則的差異主要在: 1) 著錄用語:不再使用縮寫,如,ill.、facsims.、ports.,均改著錄完整字詞 illustrations、facsimiles、portraits。 2) 表列的插圖內容類型:於RDA規則中,增列了graph、illumination、illustration、photograph等,但與AACR 2相同,若規則中表列的用語不適用或不夠精確,可著錄其他更精確的詞語來描述圖書的插圖內容類型。 3) 允許編目員自由判斷並選用適合的用語,著錄於稽核資訊中;當圖書內含有多種插圖內容類型時,編目員可自由選擇,將各插圖內容類型一一著錄,或是著錄為「illustrations」,如下方範例: 300 ## $a 405 pages : $b illustrations ; $c ... 或 300 ## $a 405 pages : $b charts, graphs, maps ; $c ... 或 300 ## $a 405 pages : $b illustrations, charts, graphs, maps ; $c ... 上述為同一書的三種著錄方式,可由編目員擇一做為著錄方式,而008/18-21的代碼,也會因為欄位300著錄之不同而有差異。
【RDA 規則原文】 Record an illustrative content if considered important for identification or selection. Use one or more appropriate terms from the following list. Record the type of an illustrative content in place of or in addition to the general term illustration. coat of arms Record the term in the singular or plural, as applicable. If none of the terms in the list is appropriate or sufficiently specific, use another concise term or terms (e.g., chart, music) to indicate the type of an illustrative content.