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AACR2 主要著錄來源總則:
1.0A3. Chief source of information.  The chief source of information is the source of bibliographic data to be given preference as the source from which a bibliographic description (or portion thereof) is prepared. Each chapter in part I contains a specification of the chief source of information for the bibliographic resources covered by that chapter. The chief source of information may be unitary in nature (e.g., a title page) or may be collective (e.g., the entire cartographic resource).
   For situations other than a single-part bibliographic resource with only one chief source of information, apply the following guidelines when the bibliographic resource is:
a. In one physical part with more than one possible chief source of information. Use the first occurring source of information as the chief source of information unless one of the following applies:
    i) If the sources of information present the bibliographic resource in different aspects (e.g., as a single-part monograph and as part of a monographic series), prefer the source that corresponds to the aspect being described (see 1.0A1).
    ii) If the bibliographic resource contains written, spoken, or sung words for which there are sources of information in more than one language or script, prefer (in this order):
       ---the source in the language or script of the written, spoken, or sung words if there is only one such language or script or only one predominant language or script
       ---the source in the original language or script of the resource if the words are in more than one language or script, unless translation is known to be the purpose, in which case use the source in the language of the translation
       ---the source in the language or script that occurs first in the following list: English, French, German, Spanish, Latin, any other language using the roman alphabet, Greek, Russian, any other language using the Cyrillic alphabet, Hebrew, any other language using the Hebrew alphabet, any other language.
    iii) If the sources of information bear different dates of publication, distribution, etc., prefer the source with the later date.
    iv) If the information traditionally given on the title page is not complete on one source (e.g., facing pages or pages on successive leaves), treat the sources as if they were a single source.
    v) If the bibliographic resource contains different works each with its own chief source of information but does not have a source of information for the resource as a whole, treat the chief sources of information for the different works as if they were a single source.

b. In more than one physical part. Use the chief source of information of the first or earliest part as the chief source of information for the bibliographic resource as a whole. When the concept of order of parts is not appropriate (e.g., kits), apply the following guidelines:
     i) If the chief source of information on one of the parts gives more information, prefer that chief source of information.
     ii) If one part is a unifying element for the bibliographic resource, prefer the chief source of information of that part.
     iii) If the container is a unifying element for the bibliographic resource, prefer the container as the chief source of information.
     iv) If one part is the main resource and the other parts are accompanying or related dependent supplements, prefer the chief source of information of the main resource.

c. Lacking a chief source of information. If no part of the bibliographic resource has a title, supply a title based on any available source (e.g., a reference work, the content of the resource being described). Give in a note the reason for and/or source of the supplied title proper. For an assembled collection lacking a comprehensive title for the collection as a whole, supply a title. 

以上是AACR2主要著錄來源總則,其餘有關主要著錄來源之說明,分散於第一部分之各章,不一一羅列,請於RDA Toolkit或LC網站上查閱。重點說明如下:
主要著錄來源(the chief source of information)是指記載書目資訊時被優先考慮作為書目描述的來源;指定著錄來源(a specification of the chief source of information)是指在各資料類型中,依照資料的特性,某些項目被指定了主要著錄來源。AACR2第一部分(著錄)的每一章均含有該章資料類型的主要著錄來源和指定來源,著錄資訊應優先取自主要著錄來源,主要著錄來源之外可依序取自其他資訊來源。若記載資料所依據的來源非來自指定的主要著錄來源,必須加上方括弧並於附註項說明,來自資源外的其他資訊基本上只能記載於附註項。

錢月蓮敬答  20171116

發布日期:2017年11月15日 最後更新:2019年05月21日