
標題 發布日期
MARC 21最新發展 2001-05-24
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative(DCMI)首次成立Board of Trustees,用以領導與協助DCMI的運作。 2001-02-01
Library of Congress to Implement Moving Image and Radio Program Genre/Form Headings in New Cataloging 2001-01-01
IFLA最新出版 IFLA Cataloguing Principles 2001-01-01
第一本有關OCLC編目服務的中文教科書《OCLC聯機與光盤編目概論》出版 2001-01-01
OCLC公告 WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative,並徵求意見 2001-01-01
Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of Component Parts(PDF格式,690kb∕30ps.) 2001-01-01
Decision Regarding the Proposed Revision to the Hierarchies of Moving Image Genre/Form Headings 2001-01-01
OCLC開放WorldCat.org網站 2001-01-01
美國國會圖書館公布Working Group on Bibliographic Control Releases Draft Report 2001-01-01
Timeline and Plan for the Next Five Library of Congress Genre/Form Projects 2001-01-01
美國國會圖書館公告 Implementing the Repeatability of the MARC 21 260 Field 2001-01-01
經由批次載入的方法獲得OCLC Z39.50 的資料 2001-01-01
Library of Congress Documentation for the RDA (Resource Description and Access) Test 2001-01-01
OCLC與資料廠商(出版商、經銷商等)合作推出「Cataloging Partners Program」計畫 2001-01-01
Library of Congress to Approve Genre/Form Headings for Cartographic Materials 2001-01-01
《FRBR section 3.2.2, definition of the entity expression》草案徵求全球各地建議 2001-01-01
OCLC自2008年1月開始針對出版商及代理商提供的metadata資料直接轉入WorldCat之適用性及效益,進行先導性研究計畫 2001-01-01
IFLA公告ISBN建議草案並詢求意見 2001-01-01
IFLA最新出版New Publication: UNIMARC Manual – Authorities Format 2001-01-01
