
標題 發布日期
Headings for Indian Tribes Recognized by the U.S. Government 2005-05-15
Descriptive Cataloging of East Asian Material: CJK Examples of AACR2 and Library of Congress Rule Interpretations 2005-02-11
Geographic Cutter Numbers(TABLES G1548-G9804) 2005-02-04
Changes in a Bibliographic Resource's Mode Of Issuance 2005-01-10
OCLC邀請Frieda Rosenberg及Diane Hillmann協助OCLC採用MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) 2005-01-03
OCLC與Yahoo!合作推出Yahoo! Toolbar 2004-11-15
電子資源編目:OCLC-MARC 編碼指引 2004-11-09
Access Level Record Test: LC to Test Core Data Set and Guidelines for Cataloging Electronic Resources 2004-11-08
Errors in Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings 2004 Update Number 2 2004-10-28
The FRBR Model: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records 2004-10-15
Government-Designated Parks and Forests - Proposed Change in Policy 2004-09-23
美國國會圖書館將自2004/9/1起採用the 2004 Update to the 2002 AACR2及相關的Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI) 2004-08-02
OCLC與Yahoo!合作 2004-07-06
MARC Code List for Relators and Sources additions 2004-06-29
LC Plan to Accommodate the 13-Digit ISBN 2004-06-24
BEAT Report for ALA June 2004(2004/6/15) 2004-06-15
Draft 3 of LCRI 25.5B on Uniform Titles for Motion Pictures,Television Programs, and Radio Programs 2004-04-29
美國國會圖書館編目部門提供電子資源編目之規劃全文下載 2004-03-24
OCLC針對館藏20000冊以下圖書館出版「Abridged Dewey 14th Edition」 2004-03-15
IFLA Cataloging Section: Annual Report 2003 2004-01-05
