「第7屆歐洲 BIBFRAM E研討會」於2023年9月19日至20日在比利時布魯塞爾舉辦為期2天的研討。
第1天研討除了 LC 公布相關更新外,主要重點包括 LD4P 的介紹、Share-VDE 與 Share Family 的介紹、Share-VDE 的可用性研 究、BIBFRAME 的互通性、新加坡國家圖書館有關鏈結資料與探索系統的介紹、BIBFRAME editor 的親和設計、BIBFRAME 接受 LRM 之 manifestation 的方法、Rare Materials 之 BIBFRAME profile 的發展、以及編目員為了適應官方版 RDA 所應了解的鏈結 資料。
研討會第2天探討主題著重於 BIBFRAME 的實施規劃、互通性與可轉換性、經驗分享。有關 BIBFRAME 的互通性與可轉換性,包括 LC 及史丹佛大學圖書館多位專家分享了 MARC 與 BIBFRAME 轉換的問題與其間所存在的差異、加拿大亞伯達大學圖書館介紹該館 系統 轉移計畫、有關 LC 著名的 BIBFRAME 編輯器 Marva 與 FOLIO 平台的無縫整合、以及加州大學戴維斯分校圖書館說明 Alma 系統自 MARC 改為 BIBFRAME 的挑戰。
- Sally McCallum:Library of Congress update
- Philip Schreur, Tom Cramer, Jason Kovari, and Simeon Warner:Linked Data for Production Phase 4: Truly Shared Data in an Institutionally Neutral Data Pool
- Jim Hahn, Tiziana Possemato, and Anna Lionetti:Share-VDE and the Share Family - Advancements towards production
- Nancy Lorimer and Ian Bigelow:BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) Update
- Andreas Andersson:Clustering, extracting and linking bibliographical work entities
- Richard Wallis:From Ambition to Go Live: The National Library Board of Singapore's journey to an operational Linked Data Management & Discovery System
- Myung-Ja (MJ) K. Han, Tricia Lampron, and Greta Heng:Considerations of designing a user friendly BIBFRAME editor: Challenges and future of information organization professionals
- Mihwa Lee:A Method of BIBFRAME's Acceptance of Manifestation Statement of LRM
- Paloma Graciani Picardo, Mara Caelin, Christine DeZelar-Tiedman, Zoe Dobbs, and Brittney Washington:A community developed BIBFRAME profile for the description of Rare Materials
- Judith Cannan:Linked Data for Catalogers
- Serafia Kari:Usability study of Share-VDE
- Sally McCallum, Kevin Ford, Nancy Lorimer, and Jodi Williamschen:MARC to BIBFRAME both ways and the developer's viewpoint
- Matias Frosterus:Adapting the BIBFRAME data model to our needs: challenges encountered and lessons learned
- Ian Bigelow and Abigail Sparling:UAL LSP Migration Planning: BIBFRAME Needs and Requirements
- Gloria Gonzalez:Data Unlocked: Empowering Libraries with Rich Connections and Insights in FOLIO
- Adina Marciano and Xiaoli Li:From MARC to BIBFRAME in a global ecosystem
- Jeff Mixter:Meeting users where they are today: easing the burden of migrating to linked data
- Sebastian Hammer:FOLIO Meets Collaborative Entity Management
- Maurits van der Graaf:En route to Linked Data
- 圓桌會議(Matias Frosterus, Kevin Ford, Fredrik Klingwall, Tiziana Possemato):What are the most interesting challenges the adoption of BIBFRAME is facing
依照往例,各屆研討會後均於會議網頁上提供演講主題之 PDF 檔,有興趣的圖書館同道,或可後續加以留意以便參考。