國外圖書館相關標準一覽表-Published and Approved NISO Standards





Z39.2-1994 Information Interchange Format CNS13148  
Z39.7-1995 Library Statistics CNS13151  
Z39.9-1992 International Standard Serial Numbering(ISSN) CNS13153  
Z39.14-1997 Guidelines for Abstracts CNS13152  
Z39.18-1995 Scientific and Technical Reports-Organization, Elements, and Design CNS13610計畫89會計年修訂  
Z39.19-1993 Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Thesauri CNS13224  
Z39.22-1989 Proof Corrections CNS3927  
Z39.23-1997 Standard Technical Report Number Format and Creation CNS13773計畫89會計年修訂  
Z39.26-1997 Micropublishing Product Information    
Z39.32-1996 Microfiche Headers    
Z39.41-1997 Printed Information on Spines CNS13463  
Z39.43-1993 Standard Address Number(SAN)    
Z39.47-1993 Extende Latin Alphabet Coded Character Set for Bibliographic Use(ANSEL)    
Z39.48-1992 Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives CNS13776  
Z39.50-1995 Information Retrieval(Z39.50): Service Definition and Protocol Specification CNS13461計畫88會計年修訂  
Z39.53-1994 Codes for the Representation of Languages for Information Interchange    
Z39.56-1996 Serial Item andContribution Identifier (SICI) 計畫89會計年研訂  
Z39.57-1989 (R1995) Holdings Statement for Non-Serial Items CNS13775  
Z39.58-1992 Common Command Language CNS13462  
Z39.62-1993 Eye Legible Information on Microfilm Leaders    
Z39.63-1989 Interlibrary Loan Data Elements CNS13150  
Z39.64 (R1995) East Asian Character Code (EACC)    
Z39.66-1992 Durable Hard-Cover Binding for Books    
Z39.67-1993 Computer Software Description    
Z39.73-1994 Library Shelving 審查中  
Z39.74-1996 Guides to Accompany Microform Sets    
Z39.76-1996 Data Elements for Binding Library Materials    
NISO 3166: 1995 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries   U.S. adoption of ISO3166
NISO 9660 CD ROM Volume & File Structure   U.S. adoption of ISO9660
NISO 12083 Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup   U.S. adoption of ISO12083. Replaces NISO Z39.59-1988
發布日期:2001年08月20日 最後更新:2018年12月18日