MARC to BIBFRAME: Converting the PCC to Linked Data

Jacquie Samples & Ian Bigelow

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has formal relationships with the Library of Congress (LC), Share-VDE, and Linked Data for Production Phase 2 (LD4P2) for work on Bibliographic Framework (BIBFRAME), and PCC institutions have been very active in the exploration of MARC to BIBFRAME conversion processes. This article will review the involvement of PCC in the development of BIBFRAME and examine the work of LC, Share-VDE, and LD4P2 on MARC to BIBFRAME conversion. It will conclude with a discussion of areas for further exploration by the PCC leading up to the creation of PCC conversion specifications and PCC BIBFRAME data.

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Share Virtual Discovery Environment (Share-VDE), Linked Data for Production Phase 2 (LD4P2), Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), Library of Congress (LC); , BIBFRAME; , Linked data
發布日期:2020年04月27日 最後更新:2020年04月27日